than are dreamt of in your philosophies." /bill shakespeare, hamlet
(the photo is undoctored)
happy people dancing around the world:
more rare bill watterson art
sushi grade salmon, local organic eggs, avocado and sweet gorgonzola
with some salt n peppa.
jenny owen youngs - batten the hatches (2005)
"When I'm meeting someone for the first time and my gut instinct tells me that we're going to be important to each other for years to come, I like to take 'making a connection' to a slightly more literal plane, and connect myself' to a lap. It's unconventional and maybe a little invasive, but people tend to remember you upon a second meeting once you've shared that kind of intimacy."
This mentality, which holds little regard for personal boundaries and getting-to-know-you etiquette, is the mortar of her debut full-length. Batten the Hatches is a collection of eleven un-love songs that want nothing more than to crawl inside your head and set up camp. Under the clever guise of sweet, unadorned arrangements and dangerously addictive melodies, they waltz in and do just that. /imeem
mum - finally we are no one (2002)
Predictably, the songs I gravitate towards most are the songs that feature the childlike vocals of one or both of the Valtysdottir twins (whom you might know as the cover models for Belle & Sebastian's Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like a Peasant), such as the luminous "Green Grass of Tunnel". However, some of the purely instrumental tunes have extremely engaging, hooky melodies as well, such as "Don't Be Afraid, You Have Just Got Your Eyes Closed".
Mainly the quartet makes the kind of music that you might expect fairies to make. The chirpy, dreamlike "We Have a Map of the Plane" and the swooning, almost Cocteau Twins-ish "Now There's That Fear Again" highlight this tendency quite nicely. This tendency can make the record slightly disorienting, but only in the best sense -- think of it as the aural equivalent to laughing gas. /popmatters
What we want is for our hearts to be like magnets, like the kid with the golden arm throwing a new white baseball. What we want is for our love to be like the tide, and to hear kisses in the surf. [via]
avey tare & kria brekkan - i've got mine
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