its mock opera quivers the parsley atop its head--
The song makes its imprint
in the air, making itself felt,
a felt world. Here, there,
the stunned silence
of knowing I will not remember
what I heard;
that will never happen,
a fluidity we cannot achieve
except as a child
creating possibility.
This is the untranslatable song
hidden in the earth.
/claudia reder, "untranslatable song"


"what lies lurk in kisses." /heinrich heine
via associated press:
Afghan boys look on outside the factory where they work in Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday. The factory recycles plastic and employs mainly young boys who are exposed to high levels of toxins on a daily basis.

Palestinian women run away from tear gas fired by Israeli troops operating in the Old City of the West Bank town of Nablus, Thursday. According to the army the troops were carrying out a routine arrest raid.
A young girl cries as she is carried by a man fleeing an area of wooden kiosks which was set on fire by supporters of Raila Odinga's party, the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), in the Kibera slum area of Nairobi, Kenya Thursday.
Supporters of a Pakistani radical Islamic group 'Lashkar Islam or Army of Islam' listen to a speech by the party's chief Mangil Bagh near the Afghan border on Thursday.
real americans in paris is one of many blogs run by expatriates living in paris.
horse feathers - curs and the weeds
death cab for cutie - no sunlight
josh homme - yelling at people
kids dominate freebird
i want to be that little girl when i grow up.
related: ted videos.
evelyn glennie - how to listen to music with your whole body
tod machover & dan ellsey - releasing the music in your head
jennifer lin improvises piano magic
pamelia kurstin - theremin, the untouchable music
you ain't no picasso reviews will oldham et al in lexington:
As he belted out the first songs, Oldham put his body into it as well. He leaned over the crowd like a politician; his hands entranced you like a turn-of-last-century snake oil salesman; and his eyes had enough fire for him to have been an old time preacher. I don’t know what he’s like in person, but on Friday night Will Oldham was every passionate madman from the depression generation rolled up into one of the finest folk singers of mine.
amadou and mariam - welcome to mali (2008)
there is a buttload of really amazing african music out there. all over the place i'm finding african remixes, african techno, afro/euro pop, franco-afro new wave, new orleans afrofunk, etc. the list goes on and on. virtually every africomp i've listened to features multiple languages and a dude or a collection of dudes chanting the glories of africa. they shout their continent's name loud and proud over and over again. i'm not sure what the american equivalent to this would be...perhaps "america, fuck yeah" or anything by toby keith. africa is infiltrating the world with its amazing music and i am embracing it with open arms. this album in particular features the marriage literally and figuratively of this awesome couple pictured above who mix styles of african rhythm-centric pop with delicately manicured synthy french pop. it is full of life and, dare i say, vast swaths of the shepherd's dog. he must've hung out with these folk while they were recording, because his influence is everywhere in the thick multi-instrumentation vividly featured in this album. (read a review by bbc musichere.)
jayme stone and mansa sissoko - africa to appalachia (2008)
this album is self-explanatory.
african music (and a beatboxing dude with a glorious afro):
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